Information on Courses Offered

Total Count : 860,57 / 58
Course No. Section Course Name Category Language 강의 시간 강의실 Lec-Lab-Crt Scale
(G, S/U)
for Exch
YSOC200G01STinYSOC:Kor. Arts A Cultural HistoryFree electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200J01STinYSOC:Intro. to Deep Learn. & App.Free electiveKO2-0-2S/U
PMSE51201Biomedical Systems&Signal ProcessingMajor electiveEN화, 목 / 09:30 ~ 10:45 C5 강의실[105호]3-0-3G김형함
PMSE52301Introduction to MedicineMajor electiveEN월, 수 / 11:00 ~ 12:15 청암학술정보관 멀티미디어 교육실(Ⅰ) [501호]3-0-3GKim Dohoung
PMSE52701Optics and MicroscopyMajor requiredEN월, 수 / 14:00 ~ 15:15 제5공학관 [B009호]강의실3-0-3GKim Ki Hean
YSOC200M01ST in YSOC: Human EmotionsFree electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200N01ST in YSOC: War and HistoryFree electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200O01STinYSOC:Hist.&Culture of North KoreaFree electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200A01ST in YSOC:Psych. of Abnormal Behav.Free electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200B01ST in YSOC: Hist. Thrgh Euro. UrbanFree electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200C01ST in YSOC: Global LeadershipFree electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200H01STinYSOC:Intro. to Financial Enginee.Free electiveKO2-0-2S/U
YSOC200K01STinYSOC:Major Trend of the Mode. AgeFree electiveKO2-0-2S/U
NUCE718M01Principles & Tech. on the AcceleratorsMajor electiveEN화, 목 / 14:00 ~ 15:15 제1실험동 310호3-0-3GYoon Moohyun
GEDU50105Scientific Writing for Graduate StudentsFree electiveEN월, 수 / 17:00 ~ 18:15 무은재기념관 강의실 [304호]3-0-2S/UJoshua Prigge