2. 강의교수 정보
이름 |
Valentin Buciumas |
학과(전공) |
수학과 |
이메일 주소 |
Homepage |
연구실 |
221 |
전화 |
054-279-2329 |
Office Hours |
Wed 2:00-3:20pm and by appointment
3. 강의목표
This course will introduce advanced topics in Linear Algebra.
Linear algebra is central to almost all areas of mathematics (pure and applied). In the first part of the class we will introduce basic ideas in Linear Algebra in a rigorous fashion. In the second part we will focus on more advanced topics in pure and applied Linear Algebra (see Course Plan for details).
4. 강의선수/수강필수사항
Applied Linear Algebra (Math 203) or equivalent knowledge is a must.
Algebra (Math 301) is highly recommended.
Prior exposure to programming (python) is helpful, but not needed.
There are *no* prerequisites from physics.
5. 성적평가
Homework 40
Midterm 30
Final 30
6. 강의교재
도서명 |
저자명 |
출판사 |
출판년도 |
Linear Algebra and Geometry
Alexei Kostrikin and Yuri Manin
90 5699 049 7
7. 참고문헌 및 자료
Textbook and instructor's notes.
More references will be provided during the class.
8. 강의진도계획
The plan is to cover the first two chapters in the main reference in the first half of the class.
In the second part of the class, depending on time, we will cover more advanced topics, including:
-Multilinear Algebra and applications to Quantum Mechanics (chapter 4 of the reference)
-Applications of Linear Algebra (example: the pagerank algorithm, classification of handwritten digits, etc.): some programming will be required in this part of the course for homework(for example using python)
-Advanced topics in category theory and TQFT (example: braided monoidal categories, Reshetikhin-Turaev knot invariants, 2d TQFT's, etc.)
9. 수업운영
in person lectures
11. 장애학생에 대한 학습지원 사항
- 수강 관련: 문자 통역(청각), 교과목 보조(발달), 노트필기(전 유형) 등
- 시험 관련: 시험시간 연장(필요시 전 유형), 시험지 확대 복사(시각) 등
- 기타 추가 요청사항 발생 시 장애학생지원센터(279-2434)로 요청