2. 강의교수 정보
이름 |
박지훈 |
학과(전공) |
수학과 |
이메일 주소 |
Homepage |
. |
연구실 |
전화 |
279-2059 |
Office Hours |
M. 13:00~14:00
3. 강의목표
To understand geometry of algebraic curves from the view point of compact Riemann surfaces.
4. 강의선수/수강필수사항
Applied Complex Variables (Math 210)
Modern algebra 1, 2. (Math 301, 302)
General topology (Math 321)
5. 성적평가
Midterm 30%
Final exam 40%
Homework and Miscellanies: 30%
6. 강의교재
도서명 |
저자명 |
출판사 |
출판년도 |
오기소 케이지 저/최성락 역 |
7. 참고문헌 및 자료
Frances Kirwan, Complex algebraic curves, Cambridge University Press/1992
8. 강의진도계획
1st Week
1.Riemann sphere
1.1 Projective line as a set of ratios
1.2 Topology of the projective line
1.3 Projective line by gluing two complex planes
2nd Week
1.4 Projective line as a comfactification of the complex plane
1.5 Coordinate systems in the projective line
1.6 Regular and rational functions on the projective line and its open sets
1.7 Regular self-maps of the projective line
3rd Week
2. Riemann surface2.1 Definition of Riemann surfaces
2.2 Regular maps of Riemann surfaces
4th Week
2.3 Regular maps of compact Riemann surfaces
3. Differentials on Riemann surfaces
3.1 Tangent spaces and cotangent spaces
5th Week
3.2 Differential 1-form
3.3 Differential 2-form
3.4 Exterior derivatives of differentials
3.5 Pull-backs of differrntials
6th Week
3.6 Branch and rational differential
3.7 Integration
4. Various Riemann spheres
4.1 Complex manifold
4.2 One-dimensional tori
7th Week
4.3 Affine plane curves
4.4 Elliptic curve
4.5 Projective plane curve
4.6 Topological classification of compact Riemann surfaces
8th Week (Oct. 21-27)
9th Week
5. Sheaf and cohomology
5.1 Sheaf
5.2 Divisor and sheaf
5.3 Operation of sheaves
5.4 Restriction of sheaves and locally free sheaves
5.5 Exact sequence of sheaves
10th Week
5.6 Cech cohomology group
5.7 Ceck cohomology group
5.8 First cohomology group
5.9 Short exact sequences of sheaves and long exact sequence of cohomology groups
5.10 First cohomology groups of various sheaves
11th Week
6. Genus and Riemann-Roch theorem6.1 Genus of a compact Riemann surface
6.2 Riemann-Roch theorem and simple applications
12th Week
6.3 Serre’s duality
13th Week
6.3. Serre’s duality
7. Application of Riemann-Roch theorem
7.1 Topological Euler characteristic and genus
7.2 Genera of various Riemann surfaces
14th Week
7.3 De Rham theorem and Hodge decomposition theorem
7.4 Linear systems and embeddings
7.5 Structure of Riemann surfaces of genera 0 and 1
7.6 Rational maps by divisors of low degrees
7.7 Canonical divisors and their rational maps
15th Week
Reading Period
16th Week (Dec. 16-22)
Final Exam
9. 수업운영
This course is designed for POSTECH-Yonsei Open Campus Program.
The lectures will be given by Prof. Sung Rak Choi at Yonsei Univ. and Prof. Jihun Park at POSTECH in turn.
The lectures in Yonsei Univ. will be delivered online to POSTECH and the lectures in POSTECH will be given online to Yonsei Univ.
10. 학습법 소개 및 기타사항
This course is designed for POSTECH-Yonsei Open Campus Program. The lectures will be given by Prof. Sung Rak Choi at Yonsei Univ. and Prof. Jihun Park at POSTECH in turn. The lectures in Yonsei Univ. will be delivered online to POSTECH and the lectures in POSTECH will be given online to Yonsei Univ. at the Zoom meeting room:
Zoom Room
Meeting ID: 870 9034 1278
11. 장애학생에 대한 학습지원 사항
- 수강 관련: 문자 통역(청각), 교과목 보조(발달), 노트필기(전 유형) 등
- 시험 관련: 시험시간 연장(필요시 전 유형), 시험지 확대 복사(시각) 등
- 기타 추가 요청사항 발생 시 장애학생지원센터(279-2434)로 요청