2021년도 2학기 응용유체역학 (MECH470-01) 강의계획서

1. 수업정보

학수번호 MECH470 분반 01 학점 3.00
이수구분 전공선택 강좌유형 선수과목
포스테키안 핵심역량
강의시간 화, 목 / 14:00 ~ 15:15 / 제5공학관 강의실 [108/110호] 성적취득 구분 G

2. 강의교수 정보

이상준 이름 이상준 학과(전공) 기계공학과
이메일 주소 sjlee@postech.ac.kr Homepage http://bbrc.postech.ac.kr/
연구실 전화 279-2169
Office Hours

3. 강의목표

Fluid mechanics has long been of great interest to scientist and engineers in a number of research and development areas. Fluid flow is important in almost all disciplines of engineering, in many industries including vehicles, construction, plants, electronics, fluid machineries. It is also important in the interdisciplinary fields related to physics, biology, chemistry, geology, agriculture, meteorology, and oceanography. In this course of applied fluid mechanics, we will learn the basic theories of fluid mechanics and various practical applications. It covers flow resistance acting on an object submerged in a fluid, unsteady flow, turbulent flow, compressible flow, fluid machinery, microfluidics, biofluid flow and several engineering applications including renewable energies. The objective of this course is to enhance the basic understanding on fluid mechanics and enlarge the abilities of applying the fluid mechanical knowledge to a variety of engineering applications.

4. 강의선수/수강필수사항

선수과목으로 유체역학를 권장한다. 하지만 담당교수의 허락이 있을 경우 본 과목의 수강은 가능하다.

5. 성적평가

Homework: 30%· Midterm & Final exam: 60%· Attendance: 10%

6. 강의교재

도서명 저자명 출판사 출판년도 ISBN
Applied Fluid Mechanics D.N. Roy Ellis Horwood Ltd 1988

7. 참고문헌 및 자료

보조교재 : handout
R.L. Mott, "Applied Fluid Mechanics", Merril, 1994.
J.A. Roberson & C.T. Crowe, "Engineering Fluid Mechanics", John Willey & Sons, 1997
M. Escudier, "The Essence of Engineering Fluid Mechanics", Prentice Hall, 1998.

8. 강의진도계획

1. Introduction 2. Fluid dynamics 3. Dimensional analysis 4. Microfluidics 5. Flow in closed conduits 6. Turbulent flow 7. Open channel flow 8. Compressible flow 9. Unsteady flow 10. Viscous flow 11. Aerodynamics 12. Wind engineering 13. Turbomachinary 14. Flow measurement / Flow visualization 15. Energy-related fluid mechanics 16. Bio-fluid flow

9. 수업운영

Blended Learning ( Online lecture / realtime zoom lecture)

10. 학습법 소개 및 기타사항

⊙ Due date of home work: : one week later
Late submission & ethic violation : point deduction
⊙ Questions in the class are recommended

11. 장애학생에 대한 학습지원 사항

- 수강 관련: 문자 통역(청각), 교과목 보조(발달), 노트필기(전 유형) 등

- 시험 관련: 시험시간 연장(필요시 전 유형), 시험지 확대 복사(시각) 등

- 기타 추가 요청사항 발생 시 장애학생지원센터(279-2434)로 요청