2. 강의교수 정보
이름 |
마은정 |
학과(전공) |
IT융합공학과 |
이메일 주소 |
Homepage |
연구실 |
C5 322 |
전화 |
054-279-8874 |
Office Hours |
by appointment
3. 강의목표
The main objectives of the course is to provide students with more knowledge and insight about:
- Complex societal, legal, ethical, political issues;
- Context and understanding motives for engineering projects and justice;
- Development of engineering throughout history;
- Interaction between innovation and society;
- Multi actor settings in engineering and innovation
Develop and improve the following skills
- Project based collaboration
- Formulating a research question
- Academic writing and presentation skills
- Buildup of a mind map of all parties involved and their conflicting interests
Cultivate global competence composed of the knowledge, ability, and predisposition
- Apply the insights learned from social sciences and humanities to engineering research and design processes.
- Design is a process that gives a rise both to artifacts and to their accompanying social networks, and design processes are collective processes in which humans and nonhumans interact.
• Brining the perspectives of science and technology studies into design and design processes
o Design is a process that gives a rise both to artifacts and to their accompanying social networks, and design processes
are collective processes in which humans and nonhumans interact.
• Applying the insights learned from social sciences and humanities to design processes
5. 성적평가
• Attendance (10%) and class (online) participation (20%): 30%
• Mid-term assignment: 30%
- Speculative city project(individual project)
• Final Team project: 40%
- Team project
6. 강의교재
도서명 |
저자명 |
출판사 |
출판년도 |
Engineering and Social Justice
Donna Riley
Morgan and Claypool Publishers
7. 참고문헌 및 자료
• Social Justice and Engineering (Donna Riley), to be uploaded online
• Do Artifacts Have Politics? (Langdon Winner), to be uploaded online
• Justice as Measure of Nongovernmental Organization Success in Postdisaster Community Assistance (Barbara L. Allen), to be uploaded online
o Reading: “Design Thinking for Social Innovation” (Tim Brown and Jocelyn Wyatt)
8. 강의진도계획
Module 1: Engineers, Technology/Engineering, and (Social) justice
o Weeks 1-5: Orientations, Conceptual Frameworks
o We review and examine the interrelationship between engineering projects and society (including human beings, environments, other species), by reading scholarly and popular articles and looking at historical and contemporary examples.
Module 2: Research methods: Design Thinking, Social design, Value-embedded design
o Weeks 6-8: Ethnography, design thinking, and engineering and do (virtual) exercise
o Learn about qualitative research methods such as design thinking and ethnography
o Reading: “Design Thinking for Social Innovation” (Tim Brown and Jocelyn Wyatt)
Module 3: Final Project
o Weeks 9-15: ideate, develop, and prototype
9. 수업운영
* Note: The classes will offered online and offline in combination depending on the situation.
11. 장애학생에 대한 학습지원 사항
- 수강 관련: 문자 통역(청각), 교과목 보조(발달), 노트필기(전 유형) 등
- 시험 관련: 시험시간 연장(필요시 전 유형), 시험지 확대 복사(시각) 등
- 기타 추가 요청사항 발생 시 장애학생지원센터(279-2434)로 요청