2. Instructor Information
Name |
Jo Hang Jin |
Department |
Div. of Advanced Nuclear Enginrg |
Email address |
Homepage |
Office |
제1실험동 307호 |
Office Phone |
054-279-9560 |
Office Hours |
3. Course Objectives
The course covers various resources, power plant conversion systems, and technical issues in energy systems providing examples of use thermodynamic analysis for energy systems. Through examining conventional and renewable energy technologies, the characteristics of current and potential future energy systems will be assessed. The design methods and improvement of capabilities of various energy systems would be discussed as well as principles of these power-generating systems. Through the course, students could have ability to critical review engineering analysis performed by others, pertaining to heat and energy systems, and have sufficient familiarity with conventional and advanced energy systems.
4. Prerequisites & require
Thermodynamics (MECH250)
5. Grading
Attendance (25%), Exam (25%), Homework (25%), Term Projects (25%)
6. Course Materials
Title |
Author |
Publisher |
Publication Year/Edition |
7. Course References
‘Energy systems engineering: Evaluation and Implementation’, F. Vanek, L.D. Albright, L. Angenent
‘Fundamentals of thermodynamics’, R.E. Sonntag, C. Borgnakke, G.J. Van Wylen
‘Power systems’, L.L. Grigsby
‘Powerplant Tehcnology’, M.M.El-Wakil
8. Course Plan
Week 1 : Thermodynamics review 1
Week 2 : Thermodynamics review 2
Week 3 : Power plant cycles 1
Week 4 : Power plant cycles 2
Week 5 : Energy system components 1
Week 6 : Energy system components 2
Week 7 : Fossil fuel energy system
Week 8 : Mid term
Week 9 : Hydraulic energy system
Week 10 : Nuclear (fission/fussion) energy system
Week 11 : Solar energy system
Week 12 : Wind/geothermal/bio energy system
Week 13 : Fuel cell/hydrogen systems for transportation
Week 14 : Cogeneration systems/Energy grid
Week 15 : Term Project 1
Week 16 : Term project 2
9. Course Operation
The course provides own lecture materials to review comprehensive coverage of various types of current and potential energy systems.
Announcement for first 2 weeks of online lecture: Based on the University's policy regarding COVID-19, we will have online lectures for the first 2 weeks till the Chuseok holiday. Online Zoom link will be provided in the PLMS system. If you have any questions please contact me (jhj04@postech.ac.kr). Thanks
10. How to Teach & Remark
11. Supports for Students with a Disability
- Taking Course: interpreting services (for hearing impairment), Mobility and preferential seating assistances (for developmental disability), Note taking(for all kinds of disabilities) and etc.
- Taking Exam: Extended exam period (for all kinds of disabilities, if needed), Magnified exam papers (for sight disability), and etc.
- Please contact Center for Students with Disabilities (279-2434) for additional assistance