2023-Fall Elasticity (MECH540-01) The course syllabus

1.Course Information

Course No. MECH540 Section 01 Credit 3.00
Category Major elective Course Type Classroom Course prerequisites
Postechian Core Competence
Hours TUE, THU / 14:00 ~ 15:15 / Science BldgⅤ[B007]Lecture Room Grading Scale G

2. Instructor Information

Lee Anna Name Lee Anna Department Dept of Mechanical Enginrg
Email address annalee@postech.ac.kr Homepage http://xml.postech.ac.kr
Office 극한구조역학연구실 Office Phone 054-279-2176
Office Hours

3. Course Objectives

Basic concepts in linear elasticity are reviewed. Governing equations and measures of stress and strain are introduced by considering kinematics of deformation and balance laws of mass, momentum and energy. Constitutive equations for linear elasticity are derived from continuum mechanics theories. Solution methods for various boundary value problems are studied in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions.

4. Prerequisites & require

Solid Mechanics

5. Grading

Attendance 10%
Homework 30%
Exams 60%

6. Course Materials

Title Author Publisher Publication
Elasticity J. R. Barber Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 9783031152146

7. Course References

Elastic and Inelastic Stress Analysis (I. H. Shames and F. A. Cozzarelli)
Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (I.S.Sokolnikoff)
Theory of Elasticity (S.P. Timoshenko and J.N.Goodier)

8. Course Plan

Week 1-2 Mathematical Preliminaries
Week 3-4 Kinematics
Week 5 Force, Momentum Principles and Stress
Week 6-7 Constitutive Relation: Linear Elastic Solid
Week 8 Some General Topics
Week 9 One-Dimensional Problems
Week 10-11 Anti-Plane Strain Problems
Week 12-13 Plane Problems
Week 14 Three-Dimensional Problems
Week 15 Final exam

9. Course Operation

10. How to Teach & Remark

11. Supports for Students with a Disability

- Taking Course: interpreting services (for hearing impairment), Mobility and preferential seating assistances (for developmental disability), Note taking(for all kinds of disabilities) and etc.

- Taking Exam: Extended exam period (for all kinds of disabilities, if needed), Magnified exam papers (for sight disability), and etc.

- Please contact Center for Students with Disabilities (279-2434) for additional assistance