2024-1 Research Involvement D (MECH399D-01) The course syllabus

1.Course Information

Course No. MECH399D Section 01 Credit 1.00
Category Major elective Course Type Classroom Course prerequisites
Postechian Core Competence
Hours Grading Scale G

2. Instructor Information

Name Department
Email address Homepage
Office Office Phone
Office Hours

3. Course Objectives

진행중인 연구에 참여함으로써 연구에 대한 직접적인 경험을 갖는다.

4. Prerequisites & require

5. Grading

6. Course Materials

Title Author Publisher Publication

7. Course References

8. Course Plan

9. Course Operation

10. How to Teach & Remark

11. Supports for Students with a Disability

- Taking Course: interpreting services (for hearing impairment), Mobility and preferential seating assistances (for developmental disability), Note taking(for all kinds of disabilities) and etc.

- Taking Exam: Extended exam period (for all kinds of disabilities, if needed), Magnified exam papers (for sight disability), and etc.

- Please contact Center for Students with Disabilities (279-2434) for additional assistance