3. 강의목표
포스테키안 핵심역량: 지식탐구역량 (50%), 디지털리터러시 역량 (50%)
This course examines basic theoretical concepts and models underpinning the study of media communication, including processes of message construction in media organizations, content patterns, audience message processing, media effects, and media systems. Specific goals are as follows:
a. To increase your understanding of the role of media in the lives of individuals and society.
b. To enhance your awareness of how various media content affects your own and others’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
c. To increase your knowledge of media theories that explain and predict media choice and influence.
d. To assist you in developing digital media literacy skills and a critical understanding of how various forms of media function in your lives and in society.
4. 강의선수/수강필수사항
No specific prior knowledge is required to take this course. Your interest and curiosity about how the consumption of various types of media messages (advertising, film, news, drama, sitcom, music, Internet, social media, mobile media, etc.) would influence your life and society
* WI 과목: WI 과제의 경우 한국말 제출 가능함.
5. 성적평가
The breakdown of grades is as follows:
- Mid-Term Exam: 30%, Final Exam: 30%
- Two Media Assignments: 30% (15% * 2 Assignments), relating course concepts to media examples located and demonstrating course knowledge. About 700-800 words for each assignment.
- In-Class Assignments: 10%
Total 100%
* absence (1 point deduction), tardiness (0.3 point deduction)
6. 강의교재
도서명 |
저자명 |
출판사 |
출판년도 |
Media effects research: A basic overview (4th ed.)
Sparks, G. G.
7. 참고문헌 및 자료
To be posted on PLMS at a later point.
8. 강의진도계획
Week 1
- 2/19 (M) Introduction to Course: We are living in the media world
- 2/21 (W) Medium Theory: McLuhan (Chapter 12)
Week 2
- 2/26 (M) Medium Theory: Postman (AR)
- 2/28 (W) Medium Theory: Meyrowitz (AR)
Week 3
- 3/4 (M) Medium Theory: Catch up
- 3/6 (W) Social Scientific Methods (Chapter 2)
Week 4
- 3/11 (M) Social Scientific Methods Continued (Chapter 2)
- 3/13 (W) Social Scientific Methods Catch up
Week 5
- 3/18 (M) & 3/20 (W) Media and Violence/Sexuality (Chapters 5&6)
Week 6
- 3/25 (M) & 3/27 (W) Media Stereotyping of Social Groups (Chapter 10)
** March 31st (Sun), 11:59 pm. Media Assignment #1 Due
Week 7
- 4/1 (M) & 4/3 (W) Review & Movie Exercise #1 (Film on Stereotypes)
Week 8: Mid-Term Exam Week.
**Mid-Term Exam: April 8th (Monday) at 12:30 pm
Week 9
- 4/15 (M) & 4/17 (W) Advertising and Persuasion (Chapter 8)
Week 10
- 4/22 (M) & 4/24 (W) Active Audience: Uses and Gratifications & Sensitivity Theory (Chapter 4)
Week 11
- 4/29 (M) & 5/1 (W) Media Entertainment (Reading: TBA)
Week 12
- 5/6 (M) No Class (Substitute Holiday, Children's Day)
- 5/8 (W) News & Politics (Chapter 9)
Week 13
- 5/13 (M) News & Politics Continued (Chapter 9)
- 5/15 (W) No Class (Substitute Holiday, Buddha's Birthday)
Week 14
- 5/20 (M) & 5/22 (W) Mobile & Social Media (Reading: TBA)
** May 26th (Sun). 11:59 pm, Media Assignment #2 Due
Week 15
- 5/27 (M) Popular Perceptions of Media Influence (Reading: TBA)
- 5/29 (W) Review & Movie Exercise 2 (Documentary on Surveillance Capitalism)
Week 16: Final Exam Week
** Final Exam: June 5th (Wed.) at 12:30 pm
* AR = Additional Reading. Every effort will be made to adhere to this schedule, but the instructor reserves the right to alter the schedule if needed.
9. 수업운영
Lecture given by the instructor + Watching various video clips that illustrate course concepts + In-Class Assignments
10. 학습법 소개 및 기타사항
It is expected that you attend every class meeting. There will be many concepts and issues covered in class that are not addressed in the readings. Please note that it is not sufficient only to read posted lecture slides or look at the textbook without coming to the class. Doing so will almost certainly reduce your mastery of the course materials. An exception can be made in case of a religious holiday, verified illness, or emergency.
Classroom Civility
Because certain behaviors can be distracting for both students and the instructor, you are asked to refrain from the following behaviors during class time: Coming in late and leaving early (if you have to, let the instructor know in advance), displaying disrespect to the instructor and other students, using a smartphone (calling), sleeping, eating loudly, etc. This is not an exhaustive list of behaviors; rather, they represent the minimal sort of behaviors that help make the classroom a pleasant and safe learning environment.
Missed/Late Assignments and Exams
Missed/late work is not an option in this class. Exams should be taken on the scheduled dates and times. Exams in other classes, late nights, alarm problems, etc. do not constitute valid reasons for taking the exams at alternate times. Assignments should also be turned in by the indicated dates and times that they are due. Deadlines for all assignments/exams are firm. Failure of not having exams and assignments completed on time will result in a zero for your grades.
This course will rely on PLMS to post instructions for the assignments, important due dates, and lecture slides (ppt). Students are fully expected to routinely check PLMS in order to successfully follow the course.
All work should reflect a devotion to academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is unacceptable, and students must be prepared to accept the appropriate sanctions for any dishonest academic behavior as outlined in the policy on academic misconduct.
11. 장애학생에 대한 학습지원 사항
- 수강 관련: 문자 통역(청각), 교과목 보조(발달), 노트필기(전 유형) 등
- 시험 관련: 시험시간 연장(필요시 전 유형), 시험지 확대 복사(시각) 등
- 기타 추가 요청사항 발생 시 장애학생지원센터(279-2434)로 요청