2024-1 Computer Graphics (CSED451-01) The course syllabus

1.Course Information

Course No. CSED451 Section 01 Credit 3.00
Category Major elective Course Type Classroom Course prerequisites
Postechian Core Competence
Hours MON, WED / 09:30 ~ 10:45 / Science BldgⅡ[109]Lecture Room Grading Scale G

2. Instructor Information

Lee Seungyong Name Lee Seungyong Department Dept of Computer Science & Enginrg
Email address leesy@postech.ac.kr Homepage http://cg.postech.ac.kr/leesy
Office HTTP://CG.POSTECH.AC.KR Office Phone 054-279-2245
Office Hours appointments by emails

3. Course Objectives

This introductory course to graphics covers fundamental principles of 2D and 3D graphics. After introducing the basic concepts, such as geometric transformations, viewing, and hierarchical modeling, this course covers issues and techniques in three main areas of graphics, modeling, rendering, and animation. The specific topics include polygonal modeling and curves and surfaces in modeling, hidden surface removal, shading, and texture mapping in rendering, and key-frame animation in animation. Programming assignments using OpenGL and shaders will facilitate better understating of the concepts covered in the lecture.

4. Prerequisites & require

- Students should be familiar with the basic concepts of linear algebra.
- Students should be familiar with computer programming to successfully manage programming assignments.
- Students do not have to be familiar with graphics programming.

5. Grading

- Midterm exam: 25%
- Final exam: 25%
- Programming assignments: 30%
- Term project: 20%

6. Course Materials

Title Author Publisher Publication
Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with Shader-Based OpenGL, 6th ed. E. Angel and D. Shreiner Addison-Wesley 2011
Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach With Shader-Based OpenGL 6th Ed. E. Angel and D. Shreiner Addison-Wesley 2011

7. Course References

- Course Lecture Notes
- D. Hearn, M. Baker, and W. Carithers, Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 4th ed., Pearson, 2010.
- S. Marschner and P. Shirley, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 4th ed., AK Peters/CRC Press, 2015.
- Any good materials on OpenGL and shader programming

8. Course Plan

Course Schedule
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tADZlmW1TLI01XeYrvUzt3tCvESXjZpFuiBHsZPb4cc/edit#gid=0
- The spreadsheet will be regularly updated with the lecture progress.

** Graphics basics
- Introduction
- OpenGL programming
- Transformations & Virtual world
- Hierarchical modeling & Object motion
- Viewing & Camera control
- Polygonal meshes
- Rasterization

** Programmable shaders & Graphics pipeline (3) (chap 2)

** Rendering
- Rendering concepts
- Hidden surface removal
- Illumination and shading
- Texture mapping

** Curves & surfaces

** Animation
- Key-frame animation

** Advanced rendering
- Ray tracing & Radiosity

9. Course Operation

- Lecture notes and programming assignments will be available at the LMS system.
- There will be four (five) programming assignments. Students are required to compose two-member teams for the programming assignments. Programming assignments should be developed using OpenGL and GLSL.
- For term projects, students are required to compose three-member teams. There are no constraints on the topic and development environment for a term project, if the topic is related to graphics.
- Course inquiries can be emailed to the instructor or TA, or preferably posted on the LMS board.
- The final grade will take the class attendance into account.
- For students with S/U grades, the final grades will be U if their letter grades are below B0.

10. How to Teach & Remark

11. Supports for Students with a Disability

- Taking Course: interpreting services (for hearing impairment), Mobility and preferential seating assistances (for developmental disability), Note taking(for all kinds of disabilities) and etc.

- Taking Exam: Extended exam period (for all kinds of disabilities, if needed), Magnified exam papers (for sight disability), and etc.

- Please contact Center for Students with Disabilities (279-2434) for additional assistance