2024-1 Undergraduate Chemical Research (CHEM499-01) The course syllabus

1.Course Information

Course No. CHEM499 Section 01 Credit 3.00
Category Major elective Course Type Classroom Course prerequisites CHEM399A (Research Participation A), CHEM399B (Research Participation B), CHEM399C (Research Participation C), CHEM399D (Research Participation D)
Postechian Core Competence
Hours Grading Scale G

2. Instructor Information

Park Sarah Sunah Name Park Sarah Sunah Department Dept of Chemistry
Email address sarahpark@postech.ac.kr Homepage
Office Office Phone 054-279-2110
Office Hours

3. Course Objectives

담당교수 연구실에서 최신 연구과제를 수행하고 연구결과를 논문으로 작성함으로써 연구자로서의 기초 소양을 쌓게한다. 대학원에 진학하여 전문연구자로서의 길을 염두에 두고 있는 경우 졸업 한 학기 전에 고급화학실험을 수강하고 졸업 학기에 학사논문연구를 수강하게 한다.

4. Prerequisites & require

추천선수과목: 고급화학실험

5. Grading

Letter Grade

6. Course Materials

Title Author Publisher Publication

7. Course References

8. Course Plan

지도교수님과 상의 후 그 계획에 따라 학사논문연구를 수행한다.

9. Course Operation

지도교수님과 상의 후 그 계획에 따라 학사논문연구를 수행한다.

10. How to Teach & Remark

11. Supports for Students with a Disability

- Taking Course: interpreting services (for hearing impairment), Mobility and preferential seating assistances (for developmental disability), Note taking(for all kinds of disabilities) and etc.

- Taking Exam: Extended exam period (for all kinds of disabilities, if needed), Magnified exam papers (for sight disability), and etc.

- Please contact Center for Students with Disabilities (279-2434) for additional assistance