2024년도 1학기 특론: 환경전기화학 (EVSE680D-01) 강의계획서

1. 수업정보

학수번호 EVSE680D 분반 01 학점 3.00
이수구분 전공선택 강좌유형 강의실 강좌 선수과목
포스테키안 핵심역량
강의시간 월, 수 / 14:00 ~ 15:15 / 성적취득 구분 G

2. 강의교수 정보

조강우 이름 조강우 학과(전공) 환경공학부
이메일 주소 kwcho1982@postech.ac.kr Homepage
연구실 전화 054-279-2289
Office Hours Tue, Thr 15:15 - 16:00

3. 강의목표

- Understanding on the electrochemical reactions and related principles.
- Understanding on the electrocatalysts.
- Understanding on the electroanalytical techniques.
- Understanding on the electrochemical processes/systems for environmental and energy applications.

4. 강의선수/수강필수사항

General Chemistry

5. 성적평가

Attendance 10%; Mid-term exam 20%; Problem Set/Report 30%; Final Exam 30%

6. 강의교재

도서명 저자명 출판사 출판년도 ISBN

7. 참고문헌 및 자료

- No Required Textbook
- Reference
1. Comninellis, Christos; Chen, Guohua (Eds.) Electrochemistry for the Environment. Springer
2. Bard, Allen J.; Faulkner, Larry R. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. Wiley

8. 강의진도계획

Week 1: Introduction on electrochemcal technologies for environmental and energy applications.
Week 2: Overview on electrochemical system and electrochemical processes
Week 3: Thermodynamics of electrochemical system
Week 4: Kinetics of electrochemical reactions
Week 5: Semiconductor (photo)electrocatalysts
Week 6: Basic photoelectrochemistry
Week 7: (Photo)Electrode fabrication techniques/ Midterm exam
Week 8: Basic electroanalytical techniques- potential step/sweep methods
Week 9: Advanced electroanalytical techniques - scanning probe techniques and others
Week10: Electrochemical advanced oxidation/reduction processes (1)
Week11: Electrochemical advanced oxidation/reduction processes (2) / Electroflotation / Electrocoagulation
Week12: Electrochemical energy conversion/harvesting/storage processes
Week13: Capacitive deionization
Week14: Electrochemical system hybridized with other (bio)chemical techniques
Week15: Final exam

9. 수업운영

Slides presentation / Board work

10. 학습법 소개 및 기타사항

11. 장애학생에 대한 학습지원 사항

- 수강 관련: 문자 통역(청각), 교과목 보조(발달), 노트필기(전 유형) 등

- 시험 관련: 시험시간 연장(필요시 전 유형), 시험지 확대 복사(시각) 등

- 기타 추가 요청사항 발생 시 장애학생지원센터(279-2434)로 요청