수강 신청

Research security management for (under)graduate students (Foreigner) (2024-2)

Research security management for (under)graduate students (Foreigner) (2024-2)

- Purpose This aims to promote awareness of research technology security and cultivate a culture of proactive security. It also aims to acknowledge the significance of research security in enhancing technological hegemony among countries and preventing the leakage of core national technologies to foreign countries, especially for students conducting research.

Composition of Course : Total 70 minutes, Composed of 6 sessions

  • Session 1 Science Technology Politics, Understanding of Technological Hegemony
  • Session 2 Technology Security through Case Studies
  • Session 3 Understanding Research Technology Security and Systems
  • Session 4 Research Security Accidents and Security Enhancement Methods
  • Session 5 Research Security that Students must comply with in College
  • Session 6 Closing Discussion

수강신청 기간 : 2024-09-09 ~ 2024-12-31학습 기간 : 2024-09-09 ~ 2024-12-31
등록된 과정 소개가 없습니다.