
[For foreign students] Research Ethics for responsible research of POSTECH graduate students (2022-2)

[For foreign students] Research Ethics for responsible research of POSTECH graduate students (2022-2)

[Required participation course for graduate students participating in the BK21 project]

This is a research ethics course for POSTECH graduate students to conduct responsible research.
Research ethics lectures that include research integrity and social responsibility, research data, publishing ethics, bioethics, research community, and research ethics cases by POSTECH department, and provide a certificate of completion after taking the lecture.

Period of Study : 2022-06-07 ~ 2023-02-17

[BK21 사업 참여 대학원생 필수 참여 강좌]

포스텍 대학원생의 책임있는 연구수행을 위한 연구윤리 강좌입니다.
연구진실성 및 사회적 책임, 연구데이터, 출판윤리, 생명윤리, 연구공동체, 포스텍 학과별 연구윤리 사례 등 포스텍 맞춤형 연구윤리 강의로 수강 후 교육 이수증을 제공합니다.