Information on Courses Offered

Total Count : 1,045,41 / 70
Course No. Section Course Name Category Language Lecture Time Lecture Room Lec-Lab-Crt Scale
(G, S/U)
for Exch
SEMI399B01Research Participation BMajor electiveKO0-2-1S/U
SEMI20101Eng. Math. for SemiconductorsMajor requiredENTUE, THU / 11:00 ~ 12:15Science BldgⅡ[106]Lecture Room3-0-3GOh Myungchul
SEMI20301Semiconductor Devices IMajor requiredKOTUE, THU / 09:30 ~ 10:45Elec Bldg[105]Lecture Room3-0-3GLee Byoung Hun
SEMI20701Intro. of Semicondoctor integration IMajor requiredKOWED / 09:20 ~ 11:00
MON / 09:20 ~ 11:00
TJ Park Lib. [503호] Multimedia R.(II)
Science BldgⅡ[102]Lecture Room
2-2-3GKang Daehwan
SEMI20401Intro. to Semiconductor Eng. LabMajor requiredKOTHU / 15:30 ~ 18:00
THU / 15:30 ~ 18:00
TUE / 17:00 ~ 17:50
TUE / 17:00 ~ 17:50

Science BldgⅡ[102]Lecture Room
Science BldgⅡ[102]Lecture Room
1-3-2GLee Seon-Kyoo
SEMI20901Fundam.of Analog & Digital CircuitsMajor requiredKOMON, WED / 13:30 ~ 14:45
MON, WED / 13:30 ~ 14:45
Science BldgⅢ[111]Lecture Room
Science BldgⅢ[111]Lecture Room
3-0-3GLee Seon-Kyoo
SEMI32101Semiconductor Devices IIMajor electiveKOTUE, THU / 14:00 ~ 15:15Hogil Kim Bldg[306]Lecture Room3-0-3GBaek Rock-Hyun
SEMI32201Memory Device and ProcessMajor electiveENTUE, THU / 17:00 ~ 18:15Science BldgⅡ[106]Lecture Room3-0-3GChung Sung Woong
SEMI52401Electronic Thin Film ScienceMajor electiveENMON, WED / 09:30 ~ 10:45 /3-0-3GSONG JAE YONG
SEMI56201Thin Film Process TechnologyMajor electiveENTUE, THU / 14:00 ~ 15:15 /3-0-3GChung Sung Woong
SEMI34401VLSI DesignMajor electiveKOMON, WED / 11:00 ~ 12:15Elec Bldg[102]Lecture Room3-0-3GKang Seokhyeong
SEMI44201Full-custom Integrated Circuit DesignMajor electiveENMON, WED / 15:30 ~ 17:10
MON, WED / 15:30 ~ 17:10 /

2-2-3GSim Jae-Yoon
SEMI31101Global Technical Advisory LectureMajor electiveENMON, WED / 09:30 ~ 10:45Hogil Kim Bldg[308]Lecture Room3-0-3S/ULee Jiwon
SEMI36301BEOL/Advanced PackagingMajor electiveKOMON, WED / 14:00 ~ 15:15Science BldgⅢ[113]Lecture Room3-0-3GSONG JAE YONG
SEMI42101Nanoelectronic DevicesMajor electiveENTUE, THU / 11:00 ~ 12:15Science BldgⅠ[301]Conference Room3-0-3GKim Seyoung